Thursday, January 10, 2008


It's already the tenth day of the year and 355 days to go till 2009. This Rat Year's started very fast. All I can remember's waiting for the countdown on the Eve, then the NY party went back to work the next three days, then it was a weekend again and by tomorrow it will be Friday again. All along I forgot to make any New Year's resolutions which I do every year, but, tend to break them a month after. So much for change even there are nothing bad to change in me. Yabang ano? I have been good
last year. Actually, there's one resolution I want to make and that is to remember to greet you guys on your special or not so special events. Know that I try and know too that you are always on my mind. Oh, and another resolution: to go to confession, even once a year, preferably during Lenten season. So that every Communion I take on Sundays will really be meaningful.

But, I don't have to wait for Lent, I will confess that I, Nette and Gino for that matter, didn't go and hear Mass on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day or New Year's, which is actually Mama Mary's birthday, too. And that never happened to me before. And I feel awful about it. The cold weather, the preparation for our party and the drive to Astrid's house were not the excuses. There was no excuse but plain laziness. I can't forgive myself for it, but, I guess the Monsignior (aka Daddy) will. Too late now and I always think about it. How could I? If only I could have been stronger in my religious practice. If only I could make up for them. All of these comes to regrets. And that will be the topic of my next post.

I don't want to spoil your New Year with my rantng. I only want to let it out my chest. I only want to be loved--drama ano? To be understood, so much as to understand others. On my 10 days of my life this year, I want to feel better at mysef. Because if I don't, I would be a fake--which I'm certainly not one. What you see in me is who I am. Not plastic. Maybe boring, but what you get from me is sincerity. It will still be a good year for all of us, especially Gwen and John and Kuya's family. Do you agree?


Joseph Forest a.k.a. Joselito L. said...

just a correction, mama Mary's bday is sept 8.....remember? That's why sept 8 is notre dame day!!!

JUN said...

so, what holiday of obligation's on Jan. 1. no, di ba dec. 8 is Immaculate Conception, i can't remember what's on sept. 8

Maria Bella said...

oooooooooooh I'm telling Daddy! lol, j/k Diko, that's okay, I think God is an understanding and forgiving God, he knows your heart is with him that day, that's all that matters~ Anyway, you spent the day with the people you love! Don't be so hard on yourself!