Wednesday, January 30, 2008


There comes a time when a man becomes what he wants to be. Through no fault of his or by sad experiences in his life, he either becomes a loner or a sharer. On some people it's easy to be a sharer. A simple smile, a simple greeting, a simple talk and a lot of sharing of thought and experiences can make one a sharer. And at the same making his life more fulfilling to him and others.

On the other hand, a man can become a loner by bad experiences and never let anybody come in his life. Never sharing, never loving and never knowing that he cannot go on alone in this world. Until he wakes up and change before it's too late, he will be a loner forever. For a while I was a loner myself. Blame it on growing pains, blame it on sensitiveness and romanticism. Until a very few people and experiences changed me to be a sharer and my life now is better.

This reminds me of the famous and very bright American chess player, Bobby Fisher who died this month. A man with an IQ of 180, he rose to the pinnacle of chess world by being the best Grandmaster in the world. But, all the popularity and wealth that he had, he didn't have anybody to share them and became deluded that the Russians were out to kill him. Until Iceland granted gave him a home and granted him citizenship, after being banned in the US for breaking a governemnt embargo policy against the Czech Republic. And he died a loner at the hospital. What a poor soul if you ask me. I guess chess was all he had and those pieces didn't have the ability to share back what triumph he made them do. So don't be checkmated. Live for others. Care for others and most importantly for yourself. Give somebody a hug!


I've just visited your co-blog blog. And Jon mentioned about sharing which reminded me of my and Nette's favorite song:

Night after night we spend together,
Growing every moments that spells forever.
Day after day our love goes stronger,
Sharing every minutes as we gets older.

If we ever say goodbye
and went our separates.
I wouldn't know how to get by
on my own.

I never say goodbye
No matter how they try...

Jon, I'm just glad you tought of this set-up for your new blog. Looking from the pictures of you and Lynn, I'm sure your relationship will last forever. I'm happy for Lynn and I'm happy for you, too. We will all get old and older, but, the knowledge that you have found somebody to spend those days will make your days NOW more meaningful and more bearable, to say the least. I love you both. Always take care of each other. Okay, let's drink (or eat) to that! Kampai!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Yesterday, as I was about to leave my work for home, when I turned on the ignition key, the BRAKE LAMP icon in the dashboard stayed on even when the engine started running already. I said to myself: How can I get home without stepping on the brake pedal? Which is nearly impossible. As there was still a little sunshine left till sunset and darkness, I said to myself I better head for home now and not drive too closely so I don't have to brake. And that's what I did. If there's cop who sees and tries to pull me over, I just take my chance and speed-up and start a wild chase ending with TV helicopter reporting all that was happening ending up at my front driveway. (The last sentence came to me in my imagination only! Akala ninyo totoo na.)

And so I proceeded with my trip home and made at least 5 instances when I have to step on the brake pedal. I said:"So far so good. No cops! I can do this!" Then as I merge in the 76 freeway a traffic back-up was ahead of me (a good 3 miles at that!!!)
I'll have to brake a lot, i thought. I also considered taking the surface road and and avoid traffic lights as much as possible and drive very, very slow. Which I realized was impossible, so, I stayed and kept looking in my rear view mirror every time I brake. After a while, the sun had set and that's when I realized there was a red light coming from my center lamp inside the back dashboard. And after stepping on my brake three more times, I saw a red glow on the front of the car that was following me. That means I had brake lights after all all along. What a relief!

When I go home I re-check my all my lights in front of my garage door. Have this happened to you? What do you? Do yo check your lights at daylight to get ready to drive at night? Me? I always check my lights regularly every time I was car. Only the last few months I wasn't able to do so. So I kind of panic when I saw the BRAKE LAMP on. So DO NOT PANIC. Maybe it was the continuous rain we've been having and got my trunk wet because of some leaks I have back there. But, DO PRAY FOR NO COP!

And that night, I saw a TV show where a cop stopped a car without headlights. As the driver was frantically and panically explaining to the cop that he forgot to turn on the separate switch for the headlight. And when the cop asked why the driver was freaking-out, he said he has a suspended license and he doesn't want to go to jail that night. The cop said he will not go to jail just to calm him down and proceeded cuffing and did the routine drunk and drug test. And finally at the end, the cop read the Miranda rights and arrested the driver cause there must be a serious reason why his license was suspended. All these because of a damn lack of light or just plain being dumb. And if I cause an accident, the other driver will say:"You did not brake!" Be careful, be safe and be prepared.