Thursday, November 1, 2007

The New Me

The me you saw last Halloween is the new me. After I have my face done by Dr. Vicky and Dr and Dra. Calayan! What do you think? Was it overdone? As they say:"Beauty is the eye of the beholder" Oops! I guess I'm having a bad dream again. Seriously, I would like to look like Boyet de Leon. But, what can I do. I like how I look like, now. At least at one time in my life--high school days--they said I look like Jay Ilagan!!! Funny, huh?


Maria Bella said...

OMG!!!! That's a scary mask...the kind that the bank robbers wear, bwahahaha! Glad you got into the spirit of Halloween. Poor kids, no wonder no one else came to your house...they probably saw you miles away and was freaked out! lols

jon go said...

yeah.. i thought it was a bank robber pretending to be you! DOL..hehehehe

JUN said...

surprise! it's actually a woman's face mask. i put it on inside the house only. my man's mask (a KISS character with long hair) made babies cry when they saw me and after a while deteriorated after i wore it last year. hehehe