Sunday, September 2, 2007

Halloween At Pacific Coast

One of the nicest things about working in San Diego, I get to see the Ocean at an ordinary work day. It's still a good two months away, but, there's this jumbo pumpkin patch, which is one-fourth of mile, just east of the Coast Highway in Cardiff-by-the Sea. They are not your average pumpkin, they are really big, That's why I can't resist the urge to stop and take this picture. So, I savor the scenery and feel blessed that I'm able to do this for not everyone have this opportunity. Such moments makes me more appreciative of what little we have now, especially with what is happening in our world. There's war In Iraq, wildfires in Greece, earthquake in Mexico and extreme poverty in the Philippines. With my shortcomings to the Lord, I know that God still loves me, my family and my son. And I hope you have good and lucky day, too.


jon go said...

little things that make our lives more meaningful... nice photo! i like it..

Maria Bella said...

wow! those ARE big pumkins! I would love to have a few of those big ones to carve for halloween time~ Is that a new place? I don't remember pumkin patches in Cali~ Only the beautiful flowers in Carlsbad~

JUN said...

jon: you're right about that

mabelle: before, there were none, except for those commercial ones that sprout a week or two before Halloween. this one is new, in fact, on the left of this, they planted different kinds of veggies.