Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Nette and I's 25th wedding anniversary was celebrated and renewed and blessed by Father Peter at the Mission Parish Church on April 26. In attendance were the Aguiluz and Magbitang families only because Nette's Mommy was still in Hawaii and Papa was at home. We were nervous just as we were on our first marriage ceremony. We practiced how we're going to walk (hand in hand) towards the altar and how I was going to kiss Nette (of course this time-a soft kiss on the lips). The parishioners applauded when our names were called, with even some ahh!!! and after we walked back to our seats. The people in front and back of us congratulated us. And as we're having our pictures taken in front of the altar, one of the elderly minister commented:"25 years, you're not that old enough." We took it as a compliment as we just answered: "Thank You".

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