Thursday, September 13, 2007

Scenes From My Office

At my work I get to go out and see places around North County. This one is taken near a laguna in Carlsbad east of I-5 freeway. And above those hills in the background is the world-famous Legoland where Mabelle used to work and where I also applied, but, they couldn't meet my pay rate. Seriously, I wasn't accepted for one the reasons I think of was they're looking for younger people to open the theme park. It's my gain and their lost, cause they missed out a very harworking, loyal, responsible and loyal worker. Now, I happy where I work.


Maria Bella said...

That's a nice shot Diko! Glad you are taking pictures and sharing it with us :) I miss the California beaches!

JUN said...

that's exactly my intention. you know, i used to love to take pictures with my bigger camera, which is to say it's not handy. with gino's camera, i can put in my pocket and just plug into the computer and post them in my blog. i'll have more.